What is the significance of folic acid in pregnancy and conception ?

Folic acid is known as Vitamin B6 and folacin. Folic acid is essential for our body to make new cells. Folic acid is converted to dihydrofolate in the presence of dihydrofolate synthase in the liver and into Tetrahydrofolate in the presence of Dihydrofolate reductase.

Folic acid is essential for everyone, but females need much more compared to males. Folic acid helps to build proteins, break down food into nutrients, make red blood cells, and create DNA. In women, it helps to regulate periods. Folic acid is a major vitamin in fertility and pregnancy.

A woman trying to get pregnant should ensure her body provides a strong and healthy environment for a baby’s development and growth. Individuals who want to conceive must prepare both physically and mentally. Relying solely on Folic acid tablets for conception will not lead to an immediate impact. However, Folic acid helps reduce the risk of birth defects.

When should you start taking Folic acid? Folic acid should be started at least 1 month before pregnancy. If the patient already has low folic acid levels, they should start at least 3 months before pregnancy. The daily requirement of folic acid is 400mcg.

Non pregnant (Planning for Pregnancy) – 400mcg/day
Pregnant – 600mcg/day
Lactating – 500mcg/day

Folic acid during pregnancy prevents neural tube defects, such as spina bifida. Spina bifida is characterized by the incomplete closure of the backbone surrounding the spinal cord, leading to postural abnormalities in newborns. In the case of spina bifida, a dosage ten times the original amount is recommended, equating to 4-5 mg per day.

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