Drug delivery refers to the administration of medicines to patients through various routes. The drug delivery process should be accurate; otherwise, it may lead to numerous problems. In the future, administering medicine might become easier and more precise. Two exciting ideas are implantable devices and nanobots.
Implantable Devices
These are tiny gadgets put inside your body to release medicine right where it’s needed. They can be set to give medicine regularly or when your body needs it. They’re great for long-term illnesses like diabetes because they can keep giving medicine without you having to remember.
These are super small robots that can travel through your blood to deliver medicine to the exact spot it’s needed. They’re like tiny doctors that can fix problems in your body at the smallest level. Nanobots could be controlled from outside your body and made to release medicine only when and where it’s needed.
Combining these technologies could make medicine even better. For example, nanobots could work with implantable devices to make sure medicine gets exactly where it’s supposed to go. But there are still things we need to figure out, like making sure these devices are safe and getting approval from regulators. Overall, though, the future of giving medicine looks very exciting!